Andy MeadsCounselling in Corsham, Wiltshire & Online

Counselling Options

Weekly? Fortnightly? Monthly?

Up to 6 sessions (up to 50 minutes per session):
This option is for people who may not have had counselling before and feel the boundary and safety of time (up to 6 sessions) is helpful to provide some containment.

With this option, exploring personal goals or steps forward will be discussed in the initial session, if this is something people want.

Up to 25 sessions (up to 50 minutes per session) :
People who choose this are likely to want more time explore the issues they are facing or challenges that are impacting on them but also want the security of working within a Time Limited way.

Personal goals or steps forward are explored initially if this is something people want.


Longer-Term (up to 50 minutes per session):
When people choose longer-term counselling, it can provide greater space and time to explore personal meaning and understanding.

Some people may want time to look at their childhood and/or adult trauma.

Others may want to talk through feelings such as sadness, frustration, anger, or suicidal thoughts.

Some people may want to seek understanding about why they feel the way they do or to reflect on personal meanings or sense of self. People may be asking, ‘Who am I’ or ‘Who do I want to be’ and need some time and space for reflection.

Other people may want to ‘let out’ or externalise their internally held sense of pain, shame or other emotions.

Some people may want to reflect on past or current family relationships and seek some personal meaning, resolve or healing.

With longer-term work, in the initial session/s, time is spent on establishing an’ internal safe place’ before time is spent on exploring traumatic memories or painful emotions.

For this work, weekly sessions are needed and at times twice a week might be helpful.

Fortnightly (up to 50 minutes per session):
I generally offer weekly sessions, but some people have found that after several weekly sessions, changing to fortnightly has provided more space for personal reflection and/or integration of personal goals or steps forward.

Monthly Check-in (up to 50 minutes per session):
This option can be of benefit to people who have previously attended counselling or those who have never attended before. People who opt for a Monthly Check-in may want some time to explore ‘what’s on their mind’ and to affirm and re-affirm personal goals or steps forward.


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